Prayer and Progress
August 25, 2023
Planting in Portland
October 18, 2023LAY IT DOWN
In Togo and other parts of Africa, people are taught from an early age that idols and graven images are full of voodoo and witchcraft. The leaders of such cults have trained them to believe that if they ever get rid of such idols, the witchcraft within them will turn against them… and even kill them. They live in fear of such things.
Our local missionaries work hard to dispute these lies as they bring the truth to light for the citizens of their communities. The truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When a new convert is saved, they must ask the local witchdoctor to take away their larger idols, such as a gatekeeper idol, household clay, metal idols, and shrines. The remaining idols are burned by the new convert, symbolizing the dying of self and turning from such wickedness. The new believer in Christ is demonstrating their bondage being broken from Satan and witchcraft. (Note: Such idols and graven images have no power. They are symbols made by human hands.) Satan is real, but God has complete sovereignty and power over him.
Idols exist all over the world, even in our daily lives. They are not just statues, etc. but are found also as desires in our hearts. An idol is anything that we come to rely on for pleasure, blessing, or guidance in the place of a complete reliance on or desire for the true and living God. Exodus 20:3 tells us that we are to have no other gods before the one, true God. He should be our utmost desire for any and everything we need or want. Let us encourage you to turn over and burn the idols of your life. The joy you experience as a child of God is more satisfying than anything this world has to offer.
Matthew 6:21 “…where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”