Survivors of disasters like tornadoes or hurricanes know the devastation firsthand. We show them the love of Jesus and provide support in their time of crisis.

The Facility

In 2021, God blessed our organization with a Mission Center building.  Among other assets, we now have a warehouse. 

The office and conference areas make it possible to operate GIMI world-wide from our home office facility.  The warehouse was a crucial asset to be able to launch a Disaster Relief program. 

Expansion of our facility is already needed, as we are rapidly growing.

The Need

  • Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and other natural disasters are especially prevalent in the Southeast, US.

  • Man-made disasters such as accidents and war can happen at any given moment.

  • Families who are affected by disasters find themselves in a sudden time of crisis.

  • Equipment, supplies, and partners are needed as we launch this program by the end of 2023.


  • CHURCHES - GIMI acts as a conduit between the victims we help with Local Churches in the affected area so additional support can be given after we have assisted in the immediate crisis.  We also rely on Supporting Churches for volunteers and financial assistance.

  • VOLUNTEERS - Whether you are a skilled worker, a passionate counselor, or just have a heart to help, we need you.  Click the button below to sign up  for interest in helping, and we will send more information your way.

  • FINANCIAL - Whether or not you are able to help physically, you or your business can be a blessing financially.  We cannot do what we do without the generosity of others. (Luke 6:38)

  • Our ultimate goal is to further the gospel and bring glory to God's name.


  • Assist those affected in a time of disaster crisis with clean up and recovery of personal property, as well as minister to their emotional and spiritual needs.

  • As with all our projects, we strive to first show, then share the love of Christ.  People do not care how much you know, until the know how much you care.  Partner with us in Disaster Relief and help shelter someone in one of the most difficult times of their lives.