In poverty-stricken Nebbi, Uganda, impoverished children often lack hope. We provide a solid, Christian education that offers them a brighter future beyond their lifetime.
Why Nebbi, Uganda?
Small village in NW Uganda, Population: 41,400
Average income: $2-$3/day
Christ tells us to reach the poor (Proverbs 19:17)
Little opportunity for quality, Christian education

Christian Education - School #1 (Nebbi Primary)
Planning: Through our involvement, the school opened in 2014.
People: It now serves almost 400 children in grades K-7
Proof: The character of the children has been noted throughout the village, thus a waiting list.
Purpose: Many children have been saved and several have committed to full time service to the Lord.
Christian Education - School #2 (Nebbi Secondary)
Present: Opened in 2023 on 5 acres and currently serves around fifty 8th graders.
People: A new grade will be added each year, until it serves grades 8-12.
Passion: The students from the Primary school were begging to be able to continue their education beyond 7th grade.
Purpose: To see many student come to know the Lord and serve Him throughout their community.
Provision: The current school is only Phase I. There is a great need to expand, adding dormitories, a cafeteria feeding center, additional classroom blocks, and a multipurpose hall. There is also great need for textbooks, chalk boards, writing utensils, and many other school supplies.

Other Ministries in Uganda
Sending containers filled with equipment and supplies for this impoverished area.
Radio Ministry - Reaches 3 countries: Uganda, DR of Congo, and South Sudan
Several church plants have been established in Uganda, as well as DR of Congo. The establishment of churches is an ongoing need for the salvation of the lost and spiritual growth of believers.
Our ultimate goal is to further the gospel and bring glory to God's name.