Baptism in the DRC
July 5, 2023
God is on the Move
July 27, 2023Education, Eagerness & Eternity
We are laying a foundation for children to become productive adults and skillfully make a difference in their communities.
They learn more than the basics of education (the 3R’s), but they are also taught the importance of good hygiene, agriculture, manners, roles in family, bible, setting goals, responsibility, and most of all… the love of a Savior who gave His life for them. Basic educational needs are met, but solid foundations are being laid for these children. Those foundations, when cultivated by the local church, will carry on into their adulthood. This lays the groundwork for foundational change and growth in their communities.
These children and so eager to learn, and their education will carry on making a difference in this life, but it will also impact the location of their eternity. Join us and be a part of Jesus’ Love to the Rescue!